Smart Fleet Solutions
For E-Mobility Service Providers (EMSP) & Charging Point Operators
EV Drivers & Fleet Solutions for CPOs & EMSPs
At Make My Day, we understand the
critical role CPOs and EMSPs play in accelerating the transition to
electric vehicles (EVs), for individual
drives and fleets.
We are here to partner with you and give
you innovative API and EV Fleet Solutions
to provide better Routing & Charging Optimization Algorithms for your Electric Vehicle customers.
Improve EV Driver Experience with Routing & Charging API
98% Accurate Battery Prediction
Electric vehicle drivers expect highly precise estimates of their remaining driving range and available battery capacity of their EV.
With our API, you can provide that.
Charging & Routing Optimization
We have Charging Optimization algorithms that are tailored to EV drivers, assisting them to maximize the battery’s potential and minimize charging time and energy waste.

Provide EV solutions for Fleets: Fleet Electrification tool & EV Fleet Management
More and more fleets are shifting to electric vehicles. You can be their one-stop shop for getting all the tools they need for the process.
We have the best Fleet Electrification Planning tool and the EV Fleet Management system for EV fleets.

车队管理系统(FMS) | 远程测控技术 | 初创公司 | |
电池预测 |
路线和充电优化 |
车辆整合 |
驾驶员时间 |
AI managed EV fleet planning & charging |
Contact Us Today:
With our innovative products, you can become the market leader in your industry!
我們提供準確率為 98% 的 AI 和 ML 範圍預測,該預測基於:
- 驾驶员的机器学习数据
- 在线和历史数据
- 实时交通信息
- 实时天气信息
- 行程地形
- 机器学习车辆性能数据
- 电池充电、活动和过往表现
- 持续动态货物重量变化
- 根据在线交通和充电桩的可用情况选择最快的路线
- 始终进行路线优化(实时监控)
- 确保充电点的预约和有效运营
- 选择成本最低的路线
- 优化家庭充电的使用(充电成本和时间)
- 实时验证行程成功
- 准确预估到达时间的充电点预约
- 基于以下因素的多点路线提供:
成本 | 时间 | 距离 | 节能
- 车外的行程管理功能
- 根据电动车、充电站等提供的在线数据信息
- 根据多点日程表
- 根据每日/每周日历创建路线
- 支持从任何来源接收数据的多源路线规划
- 基于驾驶员的过滤器进行路线规划:
插座 | 网络提供商 | 充电功率级别
- 路线历史列表
- 支持驾驶员“黑名单”或“首选”充电站
- 最佳路线优化功能
- 支持往返行程(2条路线一键完成)
- 避开收费道路的选项,并可选择启用/禁用
- 根据首选充电点优化路线:
住家场所 | 私人场所 | 公共场所 | 办公场所
- 根据热力图手动定位充电点,考虑以下因素:
时间 | 距离 | 功率 | 当前电池的剩余续航里程