Planning and executing your fleet transition from Internal combustion engine vehicles to sustainable electric vehicles can be complex, involving considerations such as vehicle selection, charging infrastructure deployment, and financial analysis.
This is why we developed the most innovative Fleet Electrification tool, to help businesses to shift to EVs in a seamlessly.
Our EV Fleet Management system uses innovative Charging & Routing API that contains AI & ML algorithms of 98% Accurate Battery Prediction, Charging Optimization, and Routing Optimization.
Fleet managers use the system to manage their fleets, and drivers can optimize daily operations and routes.
You can easily switch to electric vehicles with our innovative solutions!
我們提供準確率為 98% 的 AI 和 ML 範圍預測,該預測基於:
成本 | 时间 | 距离 | 节能
插座 | 网络提供商 | 充电功率级别
住家场所 | 私人场所 | 公共场所 | 办公场所
时间 | 距离 | 功率 | 当前电池的剩余续航里程
Website by: Irita LTD