You are a fleet manager looking to shift your fleet to electric vehicles. We are the solution to the transition!
Planning and executing your fleet transition from Internal combustion engine vehicles to sustainable electric vehicles can be complex, involving considerations such as vehicle selection, charging infrastructure deployment, and financial analysis.
This is why we developed the most innovative Fleet Electrification tool, to help businesses to shift to EVs in a seamlessly.
Our EV Fleet Management system uses innovative Charging & Routing API that contains AI & ML algorithms of 98% Accurate Battery Prediction, Charging Optimization, and Routing Optimization.
Fleet managers use the system to manage their fleets, and drivers can optimize daily operations and routes.
You can easily switch to electric vehicles with our innovative solutions!
Fornecemos uma previsão precisa de intervalo de AI e ML de 98% com base em:
economizando tempo e custos:
Aprimoramos a capacidade de planejamento de rotas de viagem ao oferecer suporte a:
Custo | Tempo | Distância | Economia de energia
Soquete | Provedor de rede | Bível de carregamento de energia
casa | privado | Público | Escritório
Tempo | Distância | Energia | o alcance atual da bateria