Smart Fleet Solutions 

For E-Mobility Service Providers (EMSP) & Charging Point Operators

EV Drivers & Fleet Solutions for CPOs & EMSPs

At Make My Day, we understand the
critical role CPOs and EMSPs play in accelerating the transition to
electric vehicles (EVs), for individual
drives and fleets.

We are here to partner with you and give
you innovative API and EV Fleet Solutions
to provide better Routing & Charging Optimization Algorithms for your Electric Vehicle customers.

Our Partners

Improve EV Driver Experience with Routing & Charging API

98% Accurate Battery Prediction

Electric vehicle drivers expect highly precise estimates of their remaining driving range and available battery capacity of their EV.

With our API, you can provide that.

Charging & Routing Optimization

We have Charging Optimization algorithms that are tailored to EV drivers, assisting them to maximize the battery’s potential and minimize charging time and energy waste.

Provide EV solutions for Fleets: Fleet Electrification tool & EV Fleet Management

More and more fleets are shifting to electric vehicles. You can be their one-stop shop for getting all the tools they need for the process. 
We have the best Fleet Electrification Planning tool and the EV Fleet Management system for EV fleets.

Tableau de comparaison

logommd2 Make My Day FMS Télématique Startup
Prédiction de la batterie check x_red-dark x_red-dark x_red-dark
Optimisation des itinéraires et de la charge check greenVsquare x_red-dark greenVsquare
Intégration des véhicules check greenVsquare greenVsquare greenVsquare
Temps du conducteur check x_red-dark x_red-dark greenVsquare
AI managed EV fleet planning & charging check greenVsquare greenVsquare x_red-dark

Contact Us Today:​

With our innovative products, you can become the market leader in your industry!


Quelle est la précision de votre prédiction de batterie ?

Nous fournissons une prédiction précise de la plage AI et ML de 98 % basée sur : 

Comment l’application MMD fournit-elle les meilleurs résultats VE TCO?

en économisant du temps et de l'argent :

En quoi votre plan de déplacement diffère-t-il ?

Nous améliorons la capacité de planification d'itinéraire de voyage en prenant en charge :

le coût | le temps | la distance | l'économie d'énergie

Prise | fournisseur de réseau | niveau de charge de l'énergie

domicile | privé | public | Bureau

le temps | la distance | de la Puissance | de l'autonomie actuelle de la batterie
