Ituran Brazil Partner with Make My Day!

Introduction The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is accelerating, and Make My Day and Ituran Brazil are proud to announce a groundbreaking collaboration. By combining cutting-edge technology and advanced telematics, we are delivering an optimized EV driving experience that enhances efficiency, reduces range anxiety, and simplifies route planning for both commercial and private EV drivers. How […]

Ituran & Make My Day

Ituran Logo

Make My Day, a leading provider of sustainable fleet solutions partnered with Ituran, A global leader in the telematics industry, connected car solutions, and services for professional fleets, insurance providers, the automotive industry, government institutions, and companies from a wide range of verticals, as well as private customers.   The Partnership: Our collaboration is founded on […]

¡El nuevo y innovador producto de Make My Day ya está disponible en el Geotab Marketplace!

Make My Day, a leading provider of sustainable fleet solutions partnered with Geotab last year, a global leader in connected transportation solutions.  Recently, Make My Day officially launched its innovative Fleet Electrification Planning Tool on the Geotab Marketplace. This tool is designed to empower businesses in making a seamless transition to electric vehicles (EVs) by […]

Make My Day y Geotab Anuncian Asociación Estratégica

Make My Day, a leading provider of sustainable fleet solutions has announced its partnership with Geotab, a global leader in connected transportation solutions. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the journey towards electrifying fleets and promoting sustainable transportation practices worldwide. Through this partnership, Make My Day’s technology has been integrated into Geotab’s platform, empowering customers […]
